Event Summary
- Stephen Mather, GIS expert, OpenDroneMap
- Cristiano Giovando, Geospatial Technology Specialist, GFDRR
Wednesday November 20, 9:00 – 12:30, Room 5
The learning objective of this session is to introduce participants to open-source software can be used to process imagery from small mapping drones, to create orthomosaics, terrain models and other geospatial datasets. OpenDroneMap is free and open source photogrammetry toolkit targeted at low flying aircraft imagery processing. For the first half of the workshop, we will go over drone mapping basics: hardware, software, and best practices. We will also try to organize a flight close by, weather and legal aspects permitting. The second half of the workshop focuses on software processing of images from the drone in order to make the images usable as geospatial datasets. We’ll take users through installation and use of OpenDroneMap, WebODM, and the processing of datasets, settings, and options therein.