Featured Resources
See how the World Bank and others use machine learning algorithms to collect better data, make more informed decisions, and, ultimately, save lives.
The Proceedings from the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum offers key takeaways and reflections from the 20 technical sessions at UR2018 in Mexico City, Mexico.

Review of disaster risks and structural vulnerability assessments in Myanmar: Volume 2
Analysis of research findings and implications on disaster resilience of Yangon’s built environment is an analysis of select reports from Volume 1 that have implications for DRM planning, policies, and institutions in Yangon.

Review of disaster risks and structural vulnerability assessments in Myanmar: Volume 1
Overview of Yangon’s disaster risk profile is a literature review of existing hazard, exposure, vulnerability and damage assessments in Yangon, and a synopsis of relevant laws and regulations.

Index of Geonodes
GeoNode is a web-based application and platform for developing geographic information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI). Here is a living index of all known Geonode instances worldwide.

Machine Learning for Disaster Risk Management
See how the World Bank and others use machine learning algorithms to collect better data, make more informed decisions, and, ultimately, save lives.

Proceedings from the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum
The Proceedings from the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum offers key takeaways and reflections from the 20 technical sessions at UR2018 in Mexico City, Mexico.

Return Period Calculator
A 100-year flood doesn't only happen once per century. So why is it called that? Use this tool to see the likelihood of experiencing an extreme hazard event in any given year.

Aftershocks: Remodeling the Past for a Resilient Future
Aftershocks: Remodeling the Past for a Resilient Future aims to provide readers with an accessible look at what would happen today if we were to experience some of the iconic disasters of the past, exploring how risk modeling can be used to analyze natural events that led to past disasters and understand how these events might impact today’s more populous and connected world.

Catrisktools provides a free and open access global directory of catastrophe risk assessment tools. It provides a comprehensive listing of available tools, with information on key attributes to help a potential user assess their applicability to the problem they are trying to solve.

ThinkHazard! by GFDRR is a simple and quick, yet robust, analytical tool that enables development specialists to determine for their project the potential likelihood of 11 natural hazards, and what actions they should take to make their project resilient.