Event Summary
- Arlindo Carvalho, West African Coastal Management Program
- Alessio Giardino, Senior coastal engineer, Deltares
- Geisel de Menezes, Head of Planning and Foresight Department, STP
- Egnankou Wadja Mathieu, Department of Botany at the Félix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody, Abidjan
- Modérateur: Nicolas Desramaut, Task Team Leader, WACA Mauritania and Sao Tome and Principe
Vendredi 22 Novembre, 11:00 – 12:30, Salle 2
Les zones côtières sont extrêmement vulnérables en raison de leur exposition aux risques naturels marins et intérieurs, de la forte pression socio-économique exercée par les populations et les investissements et de l’impact que le changement climatique peut avoir sur ces zones.
L’utilisation de techniques de modélisation avancées, en combinaison avec la télédétection et les données locales, peut être utilisée pour évaluer l’impact des aléas et des risques naturels et définir des solutions d’adaptation possibles et leur efficacité. Ceci est particulièrement important pour la mise en œuvre de solutions de type NBS (Nature-Based Solutions), étant donné les connaissances limitées disponibles par rapport à ce type d’options d’adaptation ainsi que le nombre d’études de cas dans lesquelles les NBS ont été mises en œuvre avec succès. Au cours de cette session, nous apporterons notre expérience des initiatives régionales et de São Tomé e Príncipe. L’étude réalisée par Deltares à São Tomé e Príncipe, en coopération avec le gouvernement local, montrera comment des décisions éclairées sur les options d’adaptation appropriées (solutions et combinaisons vertes et grises) peuvent être utilisées pour atténuer l’impact des risques naturels et du changement climatique. L’utilisation des données satellitaires pour le suivi des NBS sera également présentée, ainsi que l’expérience des ONG locales travaillant avec les communautés locales.
Speaker bios
Eng. Arlindo Carvalho, WACA coordinator for São Tomé and Principe: Arlindo de Ceita Carvalho, Graduatde in Geographical Sciences at the University of Havana, post-graduated in Demography, at the Latin American Demographic Centre in Santiago de Chile, and postgraduate in Environmental Management at the Swiss Academy of the Environment in Geneva;
He has held various government positions, including Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister of Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment, and Director General of Environment. He is currently the coordinator of the investment project in Sao Tome and Principe under the West African Coastal Management Program (WACA Program), financed by the World Bank.
Dr.Alessio Giardino is a specialist in coastal erosion management, multi-hazard risk assessments, planning of disaster risk reduction measures and adaptation to climate change. He has been involved as expert adviser and team leader in several assignments in different countries worldwide. In West Africa, he has been leading a study to quantify large-scale coastal morphodynamics and the impact of major anthropogenic interventions and climate change on the West Africa coastline (i.e. Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin). He has also been actively working in several assignment on multi-hazard risk assessment in Sao Tome and Principe and currently in Liberia. He is a strong believer of engaging local stakeholders in coastal engineering projects using a variety of interactive tools of which he has been leading the development (e.g. “SimpleCoast” toolkit www.simplecoast.com).
Dr. Geisel de Menezes, Head of Planning and Foresight Department, STP:is a sociologist with a post-graduation in Economic and Public Policy. He coordinates the Planning and Prospective Department of the São Tome and Principe Ministry of Planning, Finance and blue Economy. He is also the National Focal Point for the NDC partnership.
Currently he is passionate about two subject: 1) Strategies to increase the effectiveness of public investments and 2) ways to move both development and climate agendas forward as a one.
Prof. Egnankou Wadja Mathieu, ecologist, lecturer, professor and researcher in the Department of Botany at the Félix Houphouet-Boigny University of Cocody, Abidjan. In 1992, he received the Goldmah Prize for the Environment in recognition of his efforts to safeguard Ivorian mangroves. He is also president of the NGO SOS-Forêts. Cote d’ivoire
Nicolas Desramaut, Task Team Leader, WACA Mauritania and Sao Tome and Principe