APS6 EATW Duty Seismologist
Geoscience Australia
Community Safety and Earth Monitoring Division
Ongoing Full Time (24/7 shift roster)
Salary: $80,022 – $92,628 pa (plus shift-allowances equivalent to approximately 20% base salary)
Contact Officer: Adrienne Moseley
Contact Phone: 61 2 6249 9604
Contact email: adrienne.moseley@ga.gov.au
Role description:
These positions are in the Earthquake Alerts and Tsunami Warning Section (EATWS), within the Community Safety and EarthE Monitoring Division, which operates 24/7, and is categorised as a Geoscience Australia (GA) Mission Critical Activity.
The EATWS provides rapid earthquake information and advice to international tsunami warning centres, the Australian Government, State and Territory emergency managers, infrastructure managers, the media and the Australian public.
The roles will support the efforts in earthquake seismology, geology, geophysics, or related fields, contributing to system performance evaluations and quality control of GA’s earthquake catalogue; and evaluate new analysis techniques and tools. They are also responsible for representing EATWS through media interviews, public tours and presentations.
In these roles you will be included on a 24/7 shift work roster and must be able to work unsupervised, and with minimal assistance. The roles entail full participation in the Section’s day-to-day monitoring activities and project work, including rapid, robust analysis of events of interest; and rapid provision of quality advice to stakeholders, including the media.
Role duties:
In this role you will:
1. Participate in GA’s 24×7 earthquake alerting service as an on-duty seismic analyst – this involves working shifts on a rotating, 24×7 roster. During shifts you will:
a. Undertake rapid and robust earthquake analysis in real time, computing location, magnitude and other parameters for significant earthquakes throughout the world using interactive computer systems. Disseminate this information to government agencies, the media, and general public in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
b. Undertake initial analysis of earthquakes relevant to GA’s earthquake catalogue, computing location, magnitude and other parameters for subsequent review.
c. Act as a watch-stander and/or operator of mission-specific earthquake information databases and distribution systems. Duties include ensuring that these databases and distribution systems are operating properly and providing content needed to perform EATWS response and catalogue duties. Report performance problems to designated personnel.
d. Coordinate notification to and subsequent communication with IT personnel when system maintenance or operations issues occur. Provide essential status information to the oncoming duty seismologist to ensure continuity of operations.
e. Prepare information materials for media reports in relation to significant earthquakes. Conduct media interviews in relation to significant earthquakes when required (only by pre-arrangement of GA’s media liaison).
f. Conduct information tours of the EATWS operations centre for visiting delegates, educators, students and the public, by pre-arrangement, during week-day shifts.
2. During normal work hours you will:
a. Participate in earthquake research projects that contribute to EATWS Operations objectives, and/or support national-scale hazard and risk assessments.
b. Contribute to evaluating network coverage and the suitability of available seismic waveforms for computing earthquake location, magnitude, and other source parameters in support of EATWS Operations objectives and production of the GA’s earthquake catalogue.
c. Contribute to quality assurance of new software analysis systems. In particular, work with task leadership to develop and prioritise functional requirements, bug fixes and enhancements to the EATWS decision support system and related sub-systems to improve EATWS Operations performance.
d. Contribute to training newly hired duty seismologists, and to developing training datasets that simulate realistic response scenarios and bulletin production. Ensure training simulations are consistent with Standard Operating Procedures.
e. Provide assistance to the on-duty seismologist, if requested, in relation to all listed duties.
f. Provide assistance to activity and team leaders, ICT team, and the Section Leader as required.
Applications from persons who are not Australian citizens will usually only be considered if there are no suitable Australian citizens.
Police Check: Employment is subject to the successful applicant undergoing and satisfying a police history check.
Essential requirements:
Ability to work in a 24/7 rostered, shift environment is essential.
Self-starter, with emotional intelligence; able to work unsupervised for extended periods of time, in a time critical environment with high stress situations, (e.g. rapidly determining the potential of an earthquake to generate a tsunami).
Degree, or equivalent qualification or experience in earthquake seismology, geology or geophysics or related field.
Sound scientific skills and qualifications.
Knowledge of physics, mathematics, signal processing is an advantage, but not essential.
Knowledge or experience with QA systems, signal processing, Linux, python scripting, SQL, ArcGIS are advantageous.
Committed to the values of quality assurance, and continuous change and improvement processes specifically within the EATWS.
To apply: https://recruitment.aurion.com/ga-jobs/vacancies/2915879551125399~1/edit or http://www.ga.gov.au/about/careers/current-vacancies