The UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) are developing a Scoping Report that seeks to explore the need for a new open risk data and modelling platform to improve the understanding of disaster risk in developing countries. Through the exploration of this question, the needs and scope of a risk platform will be assessed, providing a series of recommendations on possible options. Based on the outcomes of the report one or two pilot studies will be developed.
Please see the concept note for further information on the Report.
We are opening a call for papers to explore the following topics:
(1) What are the user needs?
(2) Status of risk data/modelling platforms and the gaps
(3) Necessary Foundations 1: Data
(4) Necessary Foundations 2: Capacity
(5) Necessary Foundations 3: Communicating risk and building demand
(6) Priorities for the short and medium-term
If you are interested in submitting a paper, please articulate which key question you are answering and follow the guidelines below. You may contact the team for further guidance if required.
Please note: your paper will be published as a consultation paper on the website and inform the development of the Scoping Report.
- Title: should not be more than 90 characters
- Authors: should be listed beneath the title on the opening page of the article
- Abstract: include in bullet points the top 5 messages of your paper
- Main text:
- Start with a brief introduction describing the paper’s significance. Technical terms should be defined.
- Challenge(s)
- Solution/recommendation(s)
- References: any relevant citations should be marked as end notes and not within the text
- First draft Deadline: August 1, 2015. Please email your paper by August 1 to Emma Phillips ( and Amal Ali (
- Total word limit: 1,000 – 2,000 words
- Images and illustrations: Please send images or graphics separately and in high resolution