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Challenges that weather extremes pose for food security
Extreme weather events are increasingly being amplified by global warming. A better understanding of the nature of location specific risks due to climate extremes can facilitate comprehensive early action systems across the Asia and Africa.
Comunicación de Riesgos en UR2018 – Llamada de Solicitudes
Envía tu solicitud para unirte al evento de “Olla de presión” sobre comunicación de riesgos en el foro Understanding Risk 2018 en la Ciudad de México del 14-18 de mayo de 2018.
Interdisciplinary pressure cooker: Risk communication
A Pressure Cooker event on Risk Communication at UR2018 organized by The Water Youth Network and GFDRR with support from FM Global, The UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and NASA.

Profiler for Insurance Exposure & Risk (PIER)
PIER is an exposure and risk tracking solution that utilizes geospatial technologies to improve identification, assessment, pricing and monitoring of risk across various lines of business.

Assessing climate change risks and contextual vulnerability in urban areas of semi-arid India
The paper reviews the multiple climate change-urban linkages, disaggregating them into various key components through a generic ‘urban risk framework’.