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Challenges that weather extremes pose for food security
Extreme weather events are increasingly being amplified by global warming. A better understanding of the nature of location specific risks due to climate extremes can facilitate comprehensive early action systems across the Asia and Africa.
Training Course On Flood Disaster Risk Management in a Changing Climate
The need to combat the perennial problem of floods and resultant destruction has been a forefront concern for most third world nations, which calls for a proactive approach to establishing a disaster risk reduction regime for safer and sustainable development. This course is particularly useful for professionals working with flood disaster risk management.

Open Data for Resilience Initiative
The Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) applies the concepts of the global open data movement to the challenges of reducing vulnerability to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change.
Watch the video on the East Africa Resilience Hackathon
Watch the overview video of the East Africa Random Hacks of Kindness held October 5-6, 2013 in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda, organised by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), European Union, and the Kenya Red Cross.