Event Summary
Organization: Amazon Web Services
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 10:00 – 11:00
Room: Auditorio Bernardo Quintana
Globally, communities, governments, and enterprises are facing an increasing number of more complex disasters than ever before. The recorded number of hazard events that adversely affect human populations is documented to be on the rise. Each business, government, and community is affected differently, depending on their exposure and vulnerability to the prevailing hazards found in their locality or city. Cities and urban areas represent large, dense, complex systems of interconnected services, and as such, they face a growing number of challenges in resiliency planning.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Disaster Response Team will host a session to discuss how AWS is enabling governments and non-profit organizations to become more resilient by leveraging the power of the cloud. We’ll provide an overview of how AWS will directly support rebuilding connectivity and facilitate AWS services to help response and recovery efforts when the existing infrastructure has been damaged by a disaster. We will also provide an overview of how AWS approaches resiliency planning to mitigate hazards to our infrastructure.