Event Summary
Organization: GFDRR
Session Lead
- Joe Leitmann, Lead DRM Specialist, GFDRR
- Mare Lo, Senior DRM Specialist, GFDRR
- Sajid Anwar, DRM Analyst, GFDRR
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 14:00 – 15:00
Room: C2
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR/WB), in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the European Union (EU), has developed a Local Disaster Recovery Framework (LDRF) Guide. The guide is based on the ‘Guide to Developing Disaster Recovery Frameworks’ which was aimed to support governments at the national level in planning, prioritizing, financing, and implementing recovery programs to ensure resilience in recovery and development. Similarly, the LDRF guide can be used as a tool to strengthen local capacity for assessing impacts, developing policies, institutions and plans, and financing and implementing activities that can enable quicker and resilient recovery. It serves both strategic and operational purposes in the management of a disaster recovery program. It supports a pragmatic, sequenced, prioritized, programmatic, and flexible action plan that promotes local resilient recovery. The local DRF guide can be used before a disaster in order to strengthen recovery systems. In the aftermath of a disaster or in the absence of a local disaster recovery framework, this guide can help local actors to develop a more context-specific and tailored post-disaster recovery framework. By establishing policies, institutional arrangements, and financing mechanisms for recovery, local governments can avoid the post-disaster political pressures, financial constraints, knowledge gaps, or confusion of responsibilities that so often impede the recovery process.
The local disaster recovery framework consists of seven ‘results’ that include assessments, policies, plans and institutions, financing mechanisms, and implementing and monitoring accountable practices. The guide is enhanced by global good practices gleaned from country experiences in disaster recovery. It was supported with country-level case studies as well as thematic case studies on disaster recovery in Indonesia, Colombia, India, Serbia, and Senegal. These case studies have been designed to collect and analyze information on:
- disaster recovery standards and principles adapted by countries for specific disasters;
- means adopted by countries for planning recovery including efforts, considerations and provisions (if any) for making such recovery efficient, equitable and resilient;
- policies, institutions and capacities put in place by countries to implement and monitor disaster recovery; and
- ways and means adopted by countries to translate the gains of resilient recovery into longer-term risk reduction and resilient development.
Importantly, these case studies aim to learn from, and not evaluate, country reconstruction initiatives. Practices learned from each country’s experience will inform the contents of the LDRF Guide.
The side event at UR 2018 is aimed at launching the Local Disaster Recovery Guide and its case studies at the forum with an overview of the content, the process and the recommendations of the guide. A session of one hour with an audience of 90-125 people is planned to be held with the following agenda:
- Presentation of the Local DRF Guide: objectives, process, content, case studies and recommendations – 20 min
- Discussions – 30 min
- Next steps and Conclusion – 10 min