Event Summary
Organization: Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Session Leads
- Dr. Peter Salamon, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Chair)
- Dr. Philip Ward, Institute of Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam
- Dr. Hessel Winsemius, Deltares
- Prof. Paul Bates, Professor of Hydrology & Head of School in Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
- Dr. Tom de Groeve, Joint Research Center, European Commission
- Brenden Jongman, PhD researcher, Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam
- Dr. Maarten van Aalst, Director, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre
- Dr. Alanna Simpson, Senior DRM Specialist, GFDRR
Climate change, population increase, urbanization and land use changes are likely factors to increase the impact of floods globally and, in particular, in developing countries. However, many countries do not have adequate tools for an efficient flood risk management and/or lack the resources to limit the impacts of floods. With the increasing availability of large scale datasets, such as remote sensing and reanalysis data, and new generations of weather and flood forecasting models, tools for assessing flood risk at the large scale (that are applicable everywhere on the globe) are currently being developed. These models can facilitate rapid risk communication and provide important information for the operational pre- and post-disaster response, at scales ranging from sub-national to global. In this session some of the most promising tools for globally applicable flood risk management will be presented, and examples will be given on how these tools can improve flood risk management, ranging from risk communication, prevention, preparedness and post-disaster response.