UR24 Proceedings
Check out the highlights of UR24 and all recorded sessions.
The Understanding Risk Forum 2024 (UR24) Himeji+ was the largest Understanding Risk Global Forum to date with more than 1,700 attendees arriving in Himeji City. UR24 was a true platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in Disaster Risk Management.The Forum hosted DRM experts from 135 countries, 700+ organizations representing Government Agencies, Multilateral Organizations, the Private Sector, NGOs, Research Institutions, Academia and Civil Society worldwide.
UR24 hosted its biggest Expo Area ever with the participation of 45 national and international institutions and insights into Japanese culture with calligraphy lessons, tea tasting, and traditional costume experiences. The Expo Area was built with the innovative PPS cardboard system developed by award-winning Architect Shigeru Ban with VAN (Voluntary Architects’ Network). Its partition system was developed for emergency housing and kindly provided by Hyogo Prefecture; all of the structure is being re-purposed for emergency housing after the event.
Stay tuned, and join the UR newsletter to keep updated. here!
UR24 was organized by the World Bank, GFDRR and the Tokyo DRM Hub

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