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ITHACA Drought Monitoring
The ITHACA Drought Monitor tool allows you to view drought warnings and vegetation/precipitation anomalies for Africa.

2014 Understanding Risk Forum
Under the theme "Producing Actionable Information", UR2014 convened 840 participants from more than 60 countries, representing 285 institutions that covered government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, research institutions, academia and civil society.

Global Earthquake Model
The GEM Foundation is a public-private partnership established to develop open, high-quality tools and information for transparent assessment of earthquake hazard and risk, to share them freely through the OpenQuake Platform, and to facilitate use of these resources for risk reduction and increased resilience worldwide.

Understanding Risk in an Evolving World – Emerging Best Practices in Natural Disaster Risk Assessment
The last ten years have seen marked improvement in disaster risk assessment capabilities and communication efforts. Understanding Disaster Risk in an Evolving World and its accompanying Policy Note seek to inform the post-2015 discussions.