Toa Mata Band RiskMachine is a data mining multimedia performance applied to robotics music. Toa Mata Band uses real historical disaster and climate risk data to create rhythmic music played by a LEGO robot orchestra. During the performance, data will become a live robotic performance, streamed simultaneously in three different On Demand rooms. Each of these rooms is themed “Earth”, “Wind”, and “Fire”, the music of which draws on data related to earth, wind and fire, respectively. An electroacoustic beat will be randomly generated by eight digits, each representing the main musical fractions ; number “1” is a whole, “2” is half note, “4” is quarter note and so on; “0” will be a pause and “9” a stochastic figure generator. The metronome BPM tempo and the sound design of each room will be randomly generated, and new datasets will be included throughout the performance. This performance is an experimental way of representing the earth’s activity and climate changes in music

Toa Mata Band
Lego Robot Orchstra
The Band: Toa Mata Band is known as the world first LEGO® music robots orchestra, made of vintage Bionicle figures. Each band member is built using LEGO Bionicle pieces, a system of electric motors, rubber bands and pulleys connected to the figures’ arms, allowing them to play a rig of different touchable synthesizers, drum machines, smartphones and acoustic percussions. To learn more about Toa Mata Band visit