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Training Sessions

July 5, 2015 5:44 pm
The following are the training sessions and community of practice meetings information. These events will take place on July 5-6...

OpenDRI Newsletter launched!

March 28, 2015 8:46 pm
The Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) launched a new newsletter to keep subscribers updated about what's going on in the world of open data and innovation relating to disaster risk.

WCDRR: GFDRR and World Bank engagement

March 13, 2015 5:51 pm
The World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction will set the agenda for DRR over the next ten years, replacing the Hyogo Framework for Action. There are a few events that are relevant to the UR community...

Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer Release

March 5, 2015 8:47 pm
From the World Resources Institute and Deltares comes the Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer. This free tool is a web-based interactive platform which measures river flood impacts by urban damage, affected GDP, and affected population at the country, state, and river basin scale across the globe...

Building a New Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

March 3, 2015 1:01 am
Last year, torrential rainfall and landslides in the Balkans affected more than 1 million people, setting back the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina by about 15 percent of GDP. As temperatures warm, the frequency and intensity of storms of that magnitude and droughts is expected to rise...

Urban Floods Development Dialogue

February 10, 2015 5:43 pm
Join a two week long dialogue (through Feb. 20) dedicated to Urban Flood Risk Management, in which experts, practitioners and policy makers will explore cross-cutting solutions and innovative approaches in dealing with urban flood risk, and will discuss lessons learned from a wide range of projects and experiences across regions.