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Code for Resilience
Code for Resilience (CfR) fosters a global community of citizens, governments, and technologists using open innovation, open data, and open software and hardware tools to identify and reduce the risks posed by natural disasters.
WCDRR: GFDRR and World Bank engagement
The World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction will set the agenda for DRR over the next ten years, replacing the Hyogo Framework for Action. There are a few events that are relevant to the UR community...

Ideathon: Code for Resilience mixes tech and disaster risk experts to spark innovation
The first people to arrive at the scene of any natural disaster are almost always members of the affected community. Yet in most cases, disaster response and recovery mechanisms are built from the top down...
Asia Disaster Resilience Forum
The Asia Disaster Resilience Forum 2015 aims to bring together representatives from the ICT communities, private and public sector to discuss experiences and best practices developing civic apps for community-based disaster resilience.