Event Summary
Organization: UNDP, EU, GFDRR & World Bank
In the aftermath of a disaster, a hasty response often leads to complications down the road. A clear vision for resilient recovery must be established and ready as soon as the post-disaster response begins to ensure that resources and efforts are aligned around a common development goal. The international community plays an important role in responding to the growing country demand for investment in the recovery process as well as investment in preparedness, prioritizing vulnerable countries and regions, and in sharing knowledge and experience.
In response to this challenge, the European Commission, UNDP, and the World Bank Group signed a joint declaration of post-crisis cooperation in 2008. At the second World Reconstruction Conference in September 2014, the three organizations delivered upon their commitment with the launch of conference editions of the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment and Disaster Recovery Framework Guides.
This session introduced these knowledge products to help countries and recovery stakeholders plan for a recovery that is efficient and effective. Recovery should be inclusive and coordinated, with established roles laid out at all levels of government, the private sector, and civil society. Building capacity to conduct post-disaster needs assessments and prepare recovery frameworks will facilitate resilient recovery, contributing to long-term sustainable development.
Disaster Recovery Framework Introduction
Assessing Disaster Risks in Post Disaster Needs Assessments – Rajesh Sharma, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub
Turning Adversity in Opportunity: Moving Towards Resilient Post Disaster Recovery