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UR Field Lab: Chiang Mai Urban Flooding
A one-month long arts and technology un-conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand exploring critical design practices in disaster risk management, collaborative technology production, hacking and art.
Central Asia Earthquake Risk Reduction Forum
The objectives of the Central Asia Earthquake Risk Reduction Forum are to understand the current state of seismic risks of the region and their potential fiscal impacts, and to advance the dialogue on seismic risk reduction initiatives among policy makers and practitioners in the Central Asia region.

2014 Understanding Risk Forum
Under the theme "Producing Actionable Information", UR2014 convened 840 participants from more than 60 countries, representing 285 institutions that covered government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, research institutions, academia and civil society.

Global Earthquake Model
The GEM Foundation is a public-private partnership established to develop open, high-quality tools and information for transparent assessment of earthquake hazard and risk, to share them freely through the OpenQuake Platform, and to facilitate use of these resources for risk reduction and increased resilience worldwide.