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Latin American Flood and Drought Monitor
The Latin American and Caribbean Flood and Drought Monitor (LAFDM) allows you to animate spatial data information, visualize data, and download data in both space and time.

Seasonal Hurricane Predictions
Website brings together forecasts from major centers, offers extensive information to promote understanding of the factors that contribute to these meteorological phenomena, which can have devastating consequences, and to help explain why different seasonal forecast models can produce different predictions.

Effects of climate change on exposure to coastal flooding in Latin America and the Caribbean
This study considers and compares several of the most important factors contributing to coastal flooding in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) while accounting for the variations of these factors with location and time.

2014 Understanding Risk Forum
Under the theme "Producing Actionable Information", UR2014 convened 840 participants from more than 60 countries, representing 285 institutions that covered government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, research institutions, academia and civil society.

Understanding Risk Brazil 2012
URBR focused on multidisciplinary discussions of risk management among specialists, policy-makers, academics and government officials in the Brazilian context.

Global Earthquake Model
The GEM Foundation is a public-private partnership established to develop open, high-quality tools and information for transparent assessment of earthquake hazard and risk, to share them freely through the OpenQuake Platform, and to facilitate use of these resources for risk reduction and increased resilience worldwide.