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UR Asia
UR Asia 2021 brought together experts and practitioners from Asia and all around the world to showcase the best practices and latest innovations in the field of disaster risk identification and communication.

UR British Columbia 2020
Understanding Risk (UR) BC 2020 is a collaborative, online symposium that will foster place-based risk reduction strategies to proactively enhance resilience and improve disaster recovery pathways in BC.

Understanding Risk Tanzania 2019: Sustainable Solutions for Resilient Urbanization
Tanzania's first zero waste event brought 250+ participants to discuss issues of urban resilience.
International Disaster and Resilience Congress (idRc 2019)
idRc 2019, “from Risk to Resilience” is the organization of the international peer-reviewed Resilience Journal and its editorial group.

Understanding Risk British Columbia 2018
Toward a Resilient British Columbia: Implementing strategies to reduce natural hazard risk in BC's Built Environment. April 16 & 17, 2018, at the Victoria Conference Centre.

Understanding Risk Vancouver 2017
An exploration of actionable strategies to reduce earthquake and flood risks in the Georgia Basin, Vancouver, Canada.

2016 Understanding Risk Forum
Thank you for joining us in Venice! We saw more than 650 attendees from 100 countries and over 350 institutions, making this the most global forum yet.

Understanding Risk & Finance Conference
The Understanding Risk and Finance (UR&F) conference is part of the program, “Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub–Saharan African Regions, Countries, and Communities”.

Understanding Risk Boulder 2015
UR Boulder convened the talent and expertise of Boulder, Colorado's communities, scientists, technologists, and government to develop shared understanding of the challenges we face relating to risk. UR Boulder is a local spinoff of UR events.