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UR is a vibrant community of researchers, innovators, industry leaders, development professionals, and policy makers that are shaping the future of disaster risk management. If you are interested in partnering with UR, please reach out to ur24@understandrisk.org.
With the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin Awaji earthquake approaching in 2025, the Understanding Risk Forum 2024 (UR24) will be held in June 2024 in Himeji City, Hyogo prefecture. This forum will bring together Disaster Risk Management (DRM) experts and practitioners worldwide. UR24 will continue the central theme of better understanding risk from natural hazards to enable more effective action in a space to share best practices and foster new knowledge, innovation, and collaboration. In UR24, the best of tradition, history, and culture will blend with innovation, technology, and creativity in a fantastic combination that anticipates a great UR edition.
What to expect at UR24
Disaster Risk Management (DRM) is becoming increasingly important worldwide due to rising exposure to climate change effects and natural hazards like earthquakes, which can severely disrupt economic growth. Japan is particularly exposed to many types of these events, so DRM is a national priority there. In January 1995, Japan’s Hyogo prefecture was struck by the 6.9 magnitude Great Hanshin Awaji earthquake, causing extensive physical and economic damage. This was the first major urban seismic event in modern Japanese history.
Lessons learned from this quake led Japan to further improve its disaster risk management practices across sectors. Recognizing the importance of mainstreaming DRM for resilience, the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) was adopted in 2005 by 168 United Nations member states at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction. After a 10-year implementation period, HFA was succeeded by the Sendai Framework in 2015.
Explore and discover the wonders of Himeji and Hyogo Prefecture. Start your journey here!
自然災害が多発し防災の重要性が増している中、また2025年に阪神淡路大震災30年を迎えるにあたり、2024年6月にUnderstanding Risk フォーラムが兵庫県姫路市(アクリエひめじ)をメイン会場に行われることとなりました。三日間のメインイベントには、日本を含め世界中から数百名の防災に携わる政府関係者、 NGO、企業や専門家が集まり、自然災害からのリスクをより理解するための新たな取り組みや減災を実装する上での最新の課題などについて、様々な形での議論が行われます。また、本イベントの前日にはシンポジウム、さらに4日目と5日目にはさまざまなサイドイベントが企画されます。過去に行われたURイベントの詳細はこちら(https://understandrisk.org/events/) からご覧になれます
About UR
Established in 2010, Understanding Risk (UR) is a global community of more than 20,000 active members in the creation, communication, and use of disaster risk information for resilience. Members from the public sector, NGOs, private sector, academia, and more share knowledge and experience, collaborate and discuss innovations in assessing and reducing risks.
Since the first UR conference at the World Bank headquarters, in Washington, DC, the biennial global forum has been held in different locations around the world, including London, Venice, Mexico City, Singapore, and Florianopolis, Brazil, with focused regional events nearly every year.
Check out previous UR’s
UR24 is organized by
Join the UR Community
UR is a vibrant community of researchers, innovators, industry leaders, development professionals, and policy makers that are shaping the future of disaster risk management. If you are interested in partnering with UR, please reach out to ur24@understandrisk.org
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