Launch of the Global Model for Earthquake Social Vulnerability and Resilience
Organizer: Global Earthquake Model (GEM)
Background Social Vulnerability (SVR) modelling is an important aspect of not just understanding risk but also in reducing disaster risk at any given scale. SVR modelling can give disaster management professionals, especially at the country level, the ability to anticipate an impact that goes beyond physical damage or casualties from earthquakes. This ability to anticipate can greatly help DRR agencies to prepare and plan on how to address damage to the economy, society and social well-being as a result of disasters. Purpose To present GEM’s global model of earthquake risk, the valuable addition of the Social Vulnerability component into the Global model, and to foster future opportunities and partnerships to reduce Earthquake risk from a global to a local perspective. |
John Schneider, Global Earthquake Model Secretary General
Ana Beatriz Acevedo Jaramillo, Full Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at EAFIT University in Medellin
Chrsitoper G Burton, Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut (UCONN)
Surya Narayan Shrestha, Executive Director, National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET)
Jair Torres, PhD Senior consultant Disaster Risk Reduction at SAR Global
Miguel Toquica, Social Vulnerability and Resilience Modeler