Understanding the anatomy of DARAJA: How to construct the ne plus ultra of inclusive city / community forecasting and early warning systems
communicatE · use · risk communication · Design, visualization and art · Stakeholder collaboration · early warning
How would you go about creating a forecasting and early warning system in which the principles of inclusivity and co-design are applied to the absolute maximum? The “Understanding the Anatomy of DARAJA” Workshop will allow participants to deconstruct a weather and climate services project supported by the Met Office and Climate KIC that won a innovation award from the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP). “Understanding the Anatomy of DARAJA” will involve three key activities: 1) An impact model exercise involving the co-design methodology of the Met Office, the Design for Impact Framework of the World Bank’s GFDRR and the systems-wide innovation model of Climate KIC; 2) A persona-based exercise using the example of an urban water vendor, a cleaning lady and a rapid bus transit system manager; 3) An information mapping exercise that will feature Resurgence’s information ecosystems mapping tool applied last year with the World Bank’s GFDRR in Chiang Mai at the UR Field Lab. Targeted at meteorologists, extreme weather forecasters, disaster risk managers, community development experts, risk communicators and insurers, the learning outcomes of the workshop for participants will be a working proficiency in the key conceptual and operational principles of ensuring that weather forecasting and early warning services meet the needs of the 1 billion residents of informal settlements based in urban Asia and other global regions.
Organizer: Resurgence Urban Resilience Trust
Partner organizations: Kounkuey Design Initiative, Centre for Community Initiatives (CCI)