Developing a policy framework for investment in disaster resilience
Thursday, Dec 03, UTC 04:00 to 04:55
Organizer: Deloitte Access Economics
Deloitte Access Economics has explored the costs of natural disasters and associated policy implications in Australia since 2013. Our research advocates for practical solutions to increase resilience, such as incorporating resilience into investment decisions and identifying opportunities for greater coordination between governments, businesses and communities in managing pre-disaster resilience. In particular, we have been involved in researching and analysing the impact of natural disasters in Australia through the partnership with the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities, a mix of private and community sector organisations, annually since 2013. We have also completed applied work with various Government bodies, such as the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to estimate the economic and social cost of particular natural disasters, and economic and social impact advice for State Governments. |