Misinformation, disinformation, and risk: When science alone doesn’t cut it
February 14, 2020 5:19 am Leave a comment
Misinformation, disinformation, and risk: When science alone doesn’t cut it
Showcasing, demonstrating and launching a tool-kit
communicatE · risk communication
Information alone in insufficient for prompting action in regard to the reduction of risk. Cognitive biases, blind-spots, and social norms are just some of the ways that diminish one’s ability to make decisions and take action. But what happens when we layer misinformation and disinformation on top of these already existing challenges, leaving people to decipher what is true, what isn’t, and how to make decisions that affect real life? This Focus Day event will provide examples of how misinformation and disinformation can impede risk-related decision making. It will explore how scientists, media professionals, government agencies, communication managers and others can work together effectively, translating technical information and cutting through increasingly complicated media landscapes to help ordinary people make informed decisions that reduce risk and save lives.
The session will open with a brief presentation followed by an interactive workshop that tests approaches to preventing and responding to mis- and disinformation.The workshop will center around a number of scenarios based on real-life challenges (sourced from a range of actors in the lead up to the event, including registered participants). It will also provide ample time for discussion around any examples that participants bring to the session on the day.
Organizer: BBC Media Action
Partner organizations: NASA, Columbia University International Research Institute, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre