Future/risk/tick √: future climate projections show us a possible future. Do early actions, which help people now, also prepare people for the future impacts of climate change?
Wednesday, Dec 02, UTC 12:00 to 12:55
Organizer: Met Office, the UK’s National Meteorological Service
The Met Office and partners welcome the opportunity to deliver a session that will encompass how science, policy and partnership activities can align for a new approach to managing risk across all timescales. The session will start with a weather bulletin set in the 2050s demonstrating what the impacts of climate change might be globally. The Host of the session will then provide further context on a specific country – country X (working title!). The challenges the people of this nation face NOW are more frequent and intense Tropical Cyclones which lead to flooding. Seasonal forecasts indicate the possibility of more frequent droughts. And climate projections to the 2050s/2080s indicate this country is likely to experience the potential desertification of a specific region. The information on Country X will set the scene for an interactive discussion with panellists from the Red Cross Climate Centre, Met Office Applied Climate Science programme, the World Food Programme and the World Bank Disaster Risk Finance team. Audiences will be asked to contribute with their views on how we can incorporate future climate projections and potential risks into our early warnings and actions today. The session will round off with a quick overview of some of the partnerships and programmes that are working to address this challenge: REAP, WMO CREWS, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Weather and climate information SERvices for Africa, (WISER) and the Asia Regional Resilience to Climate Change programme (ARRCC) – the latter being an FCDO funded and Met Office/WB partnership programme. Useful tools and references will also be made available: Future of Forecasts publication, Seasonal Forecast films, WMO State of the Climate Report; and signposting will be made to WB/WMO alliances supporting improved Hydromet services for early warnings such as the Systems Observations Financing Facility & Hydromet Alliance. |