High-stakes decision-making made real – through Chernobyl
Interactive learning event
use · stakeholder-collaboration
Our interactive and fast-paced circa 4-hour “hackathon event” truly engages people as participants in a learning event! Our proposal is to deliberately use a man-made disaster as a learning-focused case study. Learnings from the hackathon can be applied to dealing with natural disasters as well as man-made ones.
We will use the Chernobyl nuclear accident as our case to explore the dangers of information silos, how to hold crucial decisions, how to manage challenging situations and “elephants in the room” to avoid disastrous situations from occurring, and how to manage a crisis when a catastrophic event occurs. We put teams into a series of challenging situations, starting with the original design of Soviet nuclear reactors in the 1950’s, through to the construction of the nuclear power plant, and events, decisions and circumstances that led to the catastrophic accident occurring at the plant on 26th April 1986. Attendees will be provided with electronic versions of papers and material about the Chernobyl disaster that we have written, and obtained from expert sources.
Organizer: Satarla