Satellite EO for DRR in international development cooperation.

November 24, 2020 12:53 pm Published by Leave a comment


Satellite EO for DRR in international development cooperation.

Organizer: ESA

This session is focused on appoaches proposed to improve access and use of satellite EO to better understand and manage risks, in particular hydromet and geohazard risks. It is based on the framework of the collaboration between International Financial Insititutions and the European EO sector through the European Space Agency (ESA). Methods and services have been implemented with a view to address user awareness, acceptance and adoption on a large scale basis. Today’s EO missions such as the Sentinel missions of the Copernicus programme of the European Union provide global and repeat observations that can achieve a great impact in the context of the SDGs in general and considering the impacts of natural hazards in particular. ESA will share experience and views about how satellite EO can be mainstreamed in international development projects looking at Disaster Risk Reduction.

Chris Aubrecht, EO Application specialist
Michelis Foumelis, Senior Remote Sensing expert at BRGM
Alberto Lorenzo, EO Projects Manager at Indra
Vincenzo Massimi, Technical Specialist Rheticus® at Planetek
Jan Kolomaznik, Project and Production Manager at GISAT

DAT/Artathon: Turning risk data into visual art

November 19, 2020 10:24 am Published by Leave a comment


DAT/Artathon: Turning risk data into visual art

Organizer: University of New Mexico, Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative, Earth Observatory of Singapore

Data art has the power to evoke emotions while simultaneously conveying information on risk and resilience to a wider audience. Risk data is often trapped in long reports and articles that never reach key stakeholders who we truly want to reach: at-risk communities and leaders who can invoke positive change. How can we support young professionals and early career researchers who want to bridge this divide?Join us as we share the outputs from the 2020 Risk and Resilience DAT/Artathon–a collaborative and constructive virtual workshop to create disaster data art and identify best practices in data visualization when using disaster data. This 3-week virtual workshop brought together a cohort of early career risk and resilience data visualizers to share skills, build an inclusive cohort, and work on their own individual projects. We will feature projects from the DAT/Artathon workshop and engage in a lively panel discussion with members of this year’s cohort.

Sabine Loos, PhD Researcher
Hannah Melville-Rea, Researcher, Center for Global Sea Level Change
Shane Crawford, National Research Council Fellow at National Institute of Standards and Technology
Haley Sims, Structural Analyst
Jackie Ratner, Senior Project Manager at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University
Yolander Lin, Assistant Professor

Launching A Time Capsule for our Future Ancestors

November 18, 2020 1:27 pm Published by Leave a comment


Launching A Time Capsule for our Future Ancestors

Organizer: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre *this session is part of the Development & Climate Days

This session is part of the Development & Climate Days. How will the choices we make today affect the lives of future generations, the people who are yet to be born? What will the world look like in 2050 and how will our choices affect the decisions of the future? Over the course of several months we have brought together unusual pairs of individuals – philosophers and youth activists, writers and scientists – to discuss this very question. What makes a “good ancestor” and how can we collectively be better at thinking about the long-term? In this session we are inviting you to answer this question and submit your answers in a time capsule that will be sealed until the year 2050! A time capsule is a historic cache of goods or information, usually intended as a deliberate method of communication with future people. We are gathering insights from our pairs and people around the world on what they would like to communicate to future generations. Come join us and add your voice!

Rebeka Ryvola, Learning Advisor

Mapathons, movement data, machine-learning – oh my! A ‘jam session’ on geospatial data innovations and how to use them

November 18, 2020 10:45 am Published by Leave a comment


Mapathons, movement data, machine-learning – oh my! A ‘jam session’ on geospatial data innovations and how to use them

Organizer: Mapbox, MIT Urban Risk Lab, Youth Innovation Lab Nepal, Thinking Machines, First Street Foundation

The world of data sources that are useful for the assessment and communication of risk is expanding rapidly. New and emerging data sources, especially for geospatial data, present exciting opportunities to aid disaster prevention, preparation, response, and recovery. However there are important questions about when and how to use these data sources, especially for government actors. Join us for a ‘jam session’ on the merits and limitations of innovative geospatial data such as crowd-sourced maps, movement telemetry from smartphones, machine-generated data from satellite imagery, and the latest in flood modeling. This conversation will contribute to a broader consensus around ways of bridging conventional protocols and novel techniques for geospatial data creation, processing, and use in risk assessment, reduction, and communication.

Pradip Khatiwada, Executive Director, Youth Innovation Lab Nepal
Miho Mazereeuw, Director, MIT Urban Risk Lab
Aditya Barve, Research Scientist, MIT Urban Risk Lab
Ram de Guzman, Product Manager, Geospatial, Thinking Machines
Mike Amodeo, Director of Data Science, First Street Foundation

Carousel talks: Latest developments in the science and technology for early warning early action – Researchers Edition

November 17, 2020 11:42 am Published by Leave a comment


Carousel talks: Latest developments in the science and technology for early warning early action – Researchers Edition

Organizer: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

In this session we will have a carousel of humanitarian scientists from all over the world presenting the latest advancements in anticipatory action, early warning and early action systems.

Tim Sutton, Founder of Kartoza
Orla Canavan, Human Centric Designer 510 Data Team Netherlands Red Cross
Liz Stephens, Associate Professor at University of Reading, UK

Catalyzing inclusive risk finance in LAC: Opportunities for Innovation in Guatemala and the Caribbean

November 17, 2020 9:40 am Published by Leave a comment


Catalyzing inclusive risk finance in LAC: Opportunities for Innovation in Guatemala and the Caribbean

Wednesday, Dec 02, UTC 16:00 to 16:55

Organizer: WFP  MiCRO

The regional context
2020 illustrates clearly the challenges of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, with countries experiencing a combined impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – a major crisis that is leading to the most severe contraction in the region’s historical economic activity – and at the same time some major weather events such as Tropical Storm Amanda that hit Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador – in late May 2020.
Building the resilience and adaptive capacities of the most vulnerable and food insecure is paramount for the WFP, with risk financing having the potential to play a substantial role by providing funds to cover the financial effect of unexpected losses in the most effective and cost-effective way possible to those who need them the most. Since 2018 the Regional office of Latin America and the Caribbean (WFP) started a process of adopting a Risk Financing Strategy that has been adopted in 2020 with the objective of enhancing the resilience of the region’s most vulnerable and food insecure though integrating risk finance into sustainable and scalable policies, programmes and partnerships.The Risk Financing Strategy is a tool that aims to demystify risk financing and inspire Country Offices in the region to engage into a journey to test innovative approaches of risk financing that can support the most vulnerable. The Strategy has outlined two objectives: (1) a dual investment in “last mile” outreach and to enable the environment to develop and implement risk financing instruments; and (2) advocating with governments for national risk financing capacities that enhance climate resilience. Five guiding principles have been developed to support WFP country offices in the region to achieve the Strategy’s goal and objectives, those being: (1) define the “last mile” target populations to ensure risk finance instruments suit their needs and particularities; (2) Consider risk-layered approaches at the micro, meso and macro level to address the needs of vulnerable population; (3) Find the best entry points for integrating risk financing instruments into WFP programme activities; (4) Encourage and advocate for an enabling environment and strong public-private partnerships and (5) Generate robust evidence and knowledge that will support advocacy and investment.

The case of Guatemala
Guatemala is the 16th country most affected by climate events in the period of 1999-2018 and is the eighth most exposed and vulnerable to natural hazards in the world . Climate-related shocks caused by climate change and variability have had critical impacts on food security in the country. Prolonged lean seasons heighten food shortages and increase food insecurity and acute malnutrition, particularly in the Eastern region known as the Dry Corridor. Vulnerable populations are mostly subsistence or infra-subsistence farmers who depend on their livelihoods for food consumption. Multiple socio-economic factors contribute to low agricultural productivity and profitability including poor soil conditions, over-exploitation of forest resources, degradation of lands, small plot sizes and lack of access to productive assets and financial services, agricultural supplies and technical assistance , and this situation is aggravated by the climate risks.

Guatemala Climate Risk Finance (CRF) Strategy. WFP Guatemala with the support of the regional office and inspired by the Regional Risk Financing Strategy has adopted a comprehensive CRF Strategy. The CRF Strategy is characterised by adopting an integrated approach to risk management by recognising that, firstly, risk finance is a piece of the puzzle of wider risk management approaches, therefore the CRF strategy incorporates the analysis of former and future programmes of WFP, and secondly, that risk finance interventions should be selected considering a diverse portfolio of instruments that could be more or less appropriate depending on the particularities, needs and exposure of the most vulnerable, and depending on the frequency and severity of events.

A. Integrating microinsurance in WFP’s resilience and market access programmes. WFP has designed a microinsurance product to be integrated in resilience-building and market access programmes protecting the most vulnerable populations, against events of low frequency and high severity; support them to enable their integration in sustainable supply value chains; and very importantly, serve as a steppingstone to enhance access to other formal financial services such as credit and savings that can support them to build contingency finance and invest in risk reduction and preparedness. The CO Guatemala has been working on pre-assessment and feasibility studies since December 2019 in order to design the best solution for smallholder producers in Guatemala. The product designed with the support of MiCRO, Swiss Re and Aseguradora Rural is a weather index insurance protecting smallholder producer against drought and excess rain. The pilot will be launched in April 2021 to cover approximately 1,400 smallholder producers participating in WFP programmes. The scale-up strategy for the microinsurance programme foresees the expansion to approximately 50,000 smallholder producers in the next 4 years.

B. Integrating climate services to promote risk reduction and preparedness. Considering the efforts on climate services that the CO has made in Guatemala, such as using technology for the dissemination of climate forecast information and the strengthening of inter-institutional agroclimatic roundtables at departmental level. The plan is to integrate FbF in resilience-building initiatives in order to provide contingency finance for readiness to prepare and reduce the impact of forecasted future shocks. In order to establish a functioning FbF system, it is necessary to have reliable forecast system, well-defined thresholds and triggers for each type of hazard, predetermined responsibilities and anticipatory actions of each stakeholder and coordination with national disaster risk management authorities and plans. WFP Guatemala has designed triggers for different natural hazards in cooperation with the International Research Institute for Climate and Social (IRI) of the Earth Institute of the Columbia University. In addition, WFP facilitated the participatory design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that incorporate the triggers in Agroclimatic Roundtables in participation of local stakeholders and decision makers. WFP is coordinating with key government institutions to integrate FbF and early warning into institutional decision-making processes, for example through the forecasting of food insecurity and acute malnutrition.

C. Potential link between micro, meso and macro insurances explored. WFP Guatemala will assess the potential synergies between macro, meso and micro considering that the Government of Guatemala has purchased sovereign coverage against excess rain in the last two years and the current process of CCRIF that is designing a product to cover drought that could potentially benefit Guatemala in the future. This stance from the Government reflects its willingness on investing in risk financing and implementing the national risk financing strategy and presents an important opportunity to ensure the resilience of the most vulnerable through the enhancement of macro and meso level solutions.

European Commission MISSION on Adaptation to Climate Change with Societal Transformation

November 17, 2020 9:14 am Published by Leave a comment


European Commission MISSION on Adaptation to Climate Change with Societal Transformation

Thursday, Dec 03, UTC 10:00 to 10:55

Organizer: Public Health England

Partly inspired by the Apollo 11 mission to put a man on the moon, the European research and innovation missions aim to deliver solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing our world. They are an integral part of the Horizon Europe framework programme beginning in 2021.
Climate adaptation is the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects. The mission area will support this process by connecting citizens with science and public policy and this is an important part of understanding risk
A mission in this area will help maximise the impact of the EU’s support to research and innovation and demonstrate its relevance for society and citizens.
Its focus will be on solutions and preparedness for the impact of climate change to protect lives and assets. It will include behavioural changes and social aspects by addressing new communities beyond usual stakeholders, which help lead to a societal transformation.
This mission area has a mission board tasked with identifying one or more specific missions for implementation under Horizon Europe. The mission board consists of 15 experts, including the chair, and is supported by a mission secretariat and an assembly.
Our time line is
• September 2019 Mission board meets for the first time
• End 2019-Early 2020 Target for mission boards to identify the first of one or more possible missions in the area
• The mission board develops, together with stakeholders and citizens, the research and innovation activities that will contribute to the mission. These will be funded via the Horizon Europe work programme for 2021-2022.
• On 1 January 2021 the mission will come into effect with the launch of Horizon Europe
Aim of the workshop is to consult with colleagues on how best to inform the Mission on climate adaptation as the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects by connecting citizens with science and public policy.

Pathways to Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

November 16, 2020 12:14 pm Published by Leave a comment


Pathways to Disaster Resilient Infrastructure

Organizer: RMSI

By 2050, 7 out of 10 people across the globe will be living in urban areas. Rising urbanization forces will drive current and future investment towards infrastructure. History tells us that in most cases, settlements precede infrastructure development. This leads to tremendous challenges especially when coupled with rising risk from climate and natural hazards threats. This is a possible reason driving the fragility of today’s infrastructure also. Durability and dependability are key words for infrastructure. Often the effects of a disaster are exacerbated by the secondary impacts caused by damage to infrastructure. Our expert panel attempts to discuss and arrive at pathways for laying down actionable framework for climate and disaster resilient infrastructure development. Join us to define how our infrastructure must perform against todays and tomorrows climate and natural hazard threat.

Pushpendra Johari, Sr. Vice President, Sustainability
Jeffrey Euwema, Managing Director, Info Planning Group LLC
Alpa Sheth, Independent Consultant
Sandeep Poundrik, Director-General, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
Dr. Sushil Gupta, Disaster Risk Management Expert and AVP – Risk Modeling & Insurance, RMSI Private Limited (India)
Ali Maher, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Understanding risk through games

November 13, 2020 4:03 pm Published by Leave a comment


Understanding risk through games

Organizer: Earth Observatory of Singapore

Join and play with the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) in this interactive session where EOS brings you its Dynamic Earth Games series to communicate key ideas about disaster preparedness, acting in uncertainty and enacting evacuation plans.

Lauriane Chardot , Earth Science Specialist
Jianhong Kuang , Senior Scientific Officer

Future/risk/tick √: future climate projections show us a possible future. Do early actions, which help people now, also prepare people for the future impacts of climate change?

November 13, 2020 12:51 pm Published by Leave a comment


Future/risk/tick √: future climate projections show us a possible future. Do early actions, which help people now, also prepare people for the future impacts of climate change?

Wednesday, Dec 02, UTC 12:00 to 12:55

Organizer: Met Office, the UK’s National Meteorological Service

The Met Office and partners welcome the opportunity to deliver a session that will encompass how science, policy and partnership activities can align for a new approach to managing risk across all timescales.

The session will start with a weather bulletin set in the 2050s demonstrating what the impacts of climate change might be globally. The Host of the session will then provide further context on a specific country – country X (working title!). The challenges the people of this nation face NOW are more frequent and intense Tropical Cyclones which lead to flooding. Seasonal forecasts indicate the possibility of more frequent droughts. And climate projections to the 2050s/2080s indicate this country is likely to experience the potential desertification of a specific region.

The information on Country X will set the scene for an interactive discussion with panellists from the Red Cross Climate Centre, Met Office Applied Climate Science programme, the World Food Programme and the World Bank Disaster Risk Finance team. Audiences will be asked to contribute with their views on how we can incorporate future climate projections and potential risks into our early warnings and actions today.

The session will round off with a quick overview of some of the partnerships and programmes that are working to address this challenge: REAP, WMO CREWS, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Weather and climate information SERvices for Africa, (WISER) and the Asia Regional Resilience to Climate Change programme (ARRCC) – the latter being an FCDO funded and Met Office/WB partnership programme. Useful tools and references will also be made available: Future of Forecasts publication, Seasonal Forecast films, WMO State of the Climate Report; and signposting will be made to WB/WMO alliances supporting improved Hydromet services for early warnings such as the Systems Observations Financing Facility & Hydromet Alliance.